String Bean put on his salesman hat and convinced YHC to Q at TheCommons.  He said something along the lines of “this is my last day as site Q and I want the best runner in ENC to send it off”. With that I knew he was talking to YHC for sure, and I was looking forward to seeing String in the gloom.  But like a high school senior who skips the last day of school String was a no show.

The Run Thang:

YHC usually has 3 routes in mind before posting.  1 route depends on how I feel (hills or some speed) the other 2 are usually a modification of the PAX that post.  Again since String Bean wasn’t there we went for the long hard route. Run down 5th street, left on the greenway back to town common. Circle back for the 6 as need.


Other then String Bean selling me on getting out of bed Krispy Kreme also played a hand in it.  Usually Sundays are for sleeping in and not running.  I get woken up by my kids running in bed and cuddling up with me.  That is followed by pancakes and church.  But to sell my 6 year old on going to bed last night I promised him some KK. Not sure where I am going with this mumble rant other then if you read it then send me a high five emoji on slack.

TClap |