YHC was eager to get back to Ktown, but schedule is great in ENC! Once they started a KettleBell workout on Monday’s, YHC knew something could be worked out. We had #ABoyNamedSue for many solid months and YHC misses it, it’s making a comeback soon though… Asked Burpee the current Host Workout Q about an opening (PRO TIP – that’s what you do when you haven’t Q’d in sometime or are ready to Q), he put YHC down! Though this was only week 3 for this workout, he was a true pro and making sure YHC was familiar with the AO and if YHC needed anything! YHC arrived with a good amount of time to spare. Chestnut about took out or light. Phonenix waited to join us till…

The Warmup

10 Punch Jacks IC
10 Good Mornings IC
10 Hallejuh’s IC

The Thang

21 Overhead Press
21 Merkins
Run to the Big FountainCaboose, finish with the Six

15 Overhead Press
15 Merkins
Run to the Caboose, finish with the Six

9 Overhead Press
9 Merkins
Run to the Caboose, finish with the Six

Short Stop took off his Sweatshirt here, YHC considered, but knew it was going to come off with what was to come.

9 Bicep Curls
9 WWI Sit-ups
Farmers carry to the small Fountain, finish with the Six

15 Bicep Curls
15 WWI Sit-ups
Farmers carry to the small Fountain, finish with the Six

21 Bicep Curls
21 WWI Sit-ups
Farmers carry to the small Fountain, finish with the Six

Sweatshirt is now off because it’s time for this:

21 American Swings
21 Burpee over Kettlebell
Run to the telephone pole at the corner of the lot, finish with the Six

15 American Swings
15 Burpee over Kettlebell
Run to the telephone pole at the corner of the lot, finish with the Six

9 American Swings
9 Burpee over Kettlebell
Run to the telephone pole at the corner of the lot, finish with the Six

9 Cleans
9 Nolan Ryans
KB one arm overhead carry, finish with the Six

15 Cleans
15 Nolan Ryans
KB one arm overhead carry, finish with the Six

21 Cleans
21 Nolan Ryans
KB one arm overhead carry, finish with the Six

One Round of Captain Thor:

4 American Hammers
1 KB V-Up



Oxy’s Mom is having surgery.

Scrappy got to see his Grandma.

YHC closed us in prayer.


Chestnut has his first bootcamp Q @ #TheSwamp tomorrow!

Runt has his VQ @ #DiscoTrail on Friday!


Impressed once again by the Kinston PAX, all PAX had a KB! All PAX pushed through 45 minutes of work! Midway through or so we kept hearing sirens and seeing emergency vehicles. Not sure if one of the PAX called because of the beating and sweat that was dripping, but they couldn’t find us! In all seriousness, praying for those that were affected for the situation that was going on!

YHC can see this becoming a fixture and guys wanting more KB days! Keep at it bros and it was good to be with you!

TClap |