It is important to me to respect the intensity and culture of the AO when Qing, while infusing my own personality and style.  I have only posted to The Rush a few times but my experiences reflected a   fast-paced assault with an appropriate amount of mumble chatter and 2nd F sprinkled throughout.  When Skip asked me to Q a couple weeks ago I was excited and began planning immediately.  Just kidding, I drew it up last night but the effort was solid.  I even drew pictures.  Upon arrival, the usual suspects were standing around as well as some unusual suspects, like Nutmeg who recently returned to town and Cess Pool, who is from the Columbia region here on business.  Hands were shook, greetings given, and reference to the notion of a disclaimer but none given.


  • 10 Good Mornings
  • 10 Mustache Rides
  • 800 M Mosey

The Thang  


  • 400 M laps x 2 – 5k or faster on straight away, 10k on curves


  • At this point, I explained the rules of the game.  The PAX was asked to partner off with someone of like speed.  A deck of cards was presented. The number on the card would be the rep count and the suit corresponded with an exercise written on a piece of cardboard.  Each team would select a card, perform the reps (each performing the number on the card), run half a lap, perform the reps again, and finish off the 400M lap returning to the deck of cards.  Rinse and repeat until the deck is spent.  There were 52 cards so each of the 7 teams did 7 or 8 laps.
    • Hearts (Cuz we love em) = Burpees
    • Diamonds = Mountain Climbers
    • Clubs = Squats
    • Spades = Situps
    • Jokers = Jump Squats
  • Hat Trick and Nutmeg were revving the engines pretty hard during Warm Up so when hat trick asked me to partner up I quickly dodged that bullet and threw nutmeg under the bus for a quick lesson in how fast hat trick can run.  In my defense, I had to be able to talk without the drowning sound of sucking air.  I am pretty certain that Earthworm and The Closed Hand drew hearts on every round because I never saw them doing anything other than Burpees.  Thanks guys for getting those out of the way.
  • About half way through, Hometown and Skipper started to catch on that something was going on.  Apparently, there were accusations of a stacked deck.  What I had failed to tell the PAX is that Euchre is played with only 9, 10, J, Q, K, A, Joker.  And we couldn’t only have one deck of 26, so the deck was doubled.
  • Of course, everyone loved it (especially The Closed Hand who was mumbling with joy the entire time) and Cess Pool said that he would surely be bringing it back to Columbia.


  • Mosey to the flag and ask Grammar, Cess Pool, Hometown, and Skipper to come in the middle and we did rapid fire mary led by each of the guys in the middle. 10 reps each exercise
    • WW1 Situps
    • Heels to Heaven
    • Ws
    • Slinkys
    • X’s and O’s in Cadence.  I began mumbling about incorrect use of terminology before skip started but it was indeed this weird, beautiful, X/O cadence count.


Announcements – Get signed up for Grow Ruck.  It’s going to be rucking awesome!


I didn’t workout on Wednesday because it was a much needed rest day but I missed the fellowship that I receive when I post.  Today, after the workout, I got in my car feeling recharged from serving the PAX (and likely a little hit of dopamine from the exercise).  I just felt whole and ready to take on the world.  When we talk about the gifts that F3 has given us, this is a big one for me.  When I can start my day winning the battle against the alarm clock and taking on a physical challenge (i.e. posting), I carry that momentum into my day and other areas of my life.

It was great to catch up with Nutmeg, welcome Cess Pool, see some guys I have not seen in a while like Quicklube, and laugh with a great PAX today!



TClap |