It was humid morning that made us all stronger. Mumblechatter about Silverback’s shorts and needing to get a pair for M’s, but always motivation to stay ahead. We had an FNG, named Eric, but he got back to the flag and left in his car before we all got back, so…if he comes back, Alcatraz it is.

The Thang:

Run: Started near JH Rose track, left onto Arlington, left onto Greenville Blvd, left onto Charles, turn around at 14th street and back to the flag the same way (4.5 mile loop). Some did extra hill repeats on Charles and Arlington.


  • Brass Monkey’s M’s friend had good news after scans, recovering from breast cancer
  • Faulkner family is dealing with multiple health issues including a premature baby and someone with cancer
  • Family in Ahoskie that knows Wimpie and Matlock well had one of the teens who died in the car wreck, 2 dead out of 4 passengers, all too young


  • Sasquatch 7/31/2021-need Gatorade (!!!) and water, please volunteer if not running or doing fitness pieces
  • Fruity Q at Oval tomorrow
  • Marathon is PAX lunch location for today
TClap |