It was a beautiful morning for a run with low temps and a solid 16.  This was my first run post BRR so was eager, yet a little nervous to run.  Was not sure of a plan, so went old school with a route and decided to mix it up with a Fartlek workout.  Partner up with 1-2 people, and alternate running at the others pace to push yourself.  Seems like everyone got 5+ miles which was great!


Ange to Old Tar

Straight down Old Tar and right on Winterfield

Turn At Cousin IT’s house

Back to Old Tar and take a right on Main Street and back to the flag.

Prayer Requests:

The Water’s family and the loss of a loved one.

Reroutes 6 year old daughter and her recovery from being sick.  (Still running a fever and going back to the doctor today.)


Blood Drive at Drew Steele Center October 23, 2020 11:00-4:00 for F3’s Freed to Bleed Drive.  Sign up to volunteer or donate!

Lunch at La Rancherita

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