Warm Up:

Pledge of Allegiance, SSH’s, Good Mornings, High Knees

Mozey from Schoolyard to Peppermint Park

Bear Crawl Suicides on the tennis court (Modification: Lunges), this was done by bear crawling to the line and then crawl bearing back to the start. YHC was winded after this one for a second

At the picnic tables:

Wide-Armed Eerkins, dips, derkins

SALAD Squats, alternating step-ups, box jumps

Wide-Armed Eerkins, dips, derkins

Back to the tennis court:

Mozey suicides, at every line did 5 merkins


Mozey back to the Schoolyard:

People’s Chair with various 10-count exercises

Two sets of Balls to the Wall (5-count from each PAX)

Merry to end the THANG


Prayers and Praises:

Injured PAX and those recovering from surgeries, PAX struggling with addictions/mental health, praise for YHC’s campus ministry fall retreat going well

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