It was a COLD as a polar bear’s toe nails….. but we pressed on like it was 75 and sunny.

Warm Up

  1. Good Mornings 10 (IC)
  2. Forward Arm Burners  10 (IC)
  3. Reverse Arm Burners 10 (IC)
  4. Side straddle hops 30 (IC)


The Thang

Moderate mosey to the front of the school

  1. 100 Dips, 100 steps ups as a pair. Partner ran lap around parking lot while other performed exercise.

Mosey to the hill at the back of the school for 7’s. Bear crawl up the hill and mosey back down in between.

  1. Hallelujahs.
  2. Merkins.

Mosey to the track

  1. Sprint the curves
  2. Skip hop the straight aways
  3. Repeat x 1

Mosey to the wall of the school

  1. 20 Mule Kicks
  2. 20 Squats (IC)
  3. 10 count wall sit with one leg until everyone counts. Repeat with other leg.

Mosey to flag for round of Marys

  1. Spinal Tap lead us in 50 flutter kicks
  2. Beer Garden lead us in 40 penguins


Prayer Request:

Prayers for our country, those affected by sickness/COVID-19, and those with loses in the family.


Feed 5000 Fundraiser and Convergence coming up in 11/21/20 at First Born Food Bank in Grimesland. Convergence on Black Friday at the stadium.

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