The last Saturday of the month has been set aside for Ultimate Football. YHC put out a few reminders on the #TwitterMachine to get the PAX engaged. #BoydLeeBeatdown was still being dismantled when YHC arrived and several cars were in the Parking Lot. Come to find out most of them were for FIA. YHC asked and Fredstinko was fairly confident we were going to fill the field. YHC went over and was still not feeling it, soon a few PAX made their way over. We decided to go for it.

We broke the teams down in age (Mayhem & YHC were the oldest). He picked one and YHC picked 2 (won’t tell you the order). Thunderbird, Mayhem, & Rambo VS Fredstinko, Lachey, & YHC

The bad guys got off to an early lead as Lachey was feeling JAG’s beatdown and YHC was feeling the effect of 6 miles and Coffeeteria. The score however wasn’t what they first thought, this got Lachey ready and before you know we were tied up and then took the lead. They tried to make us pay the price by doing Burpees, so we went back at them with mule kicks. Merkins, Squats and Ab exercises were done after the scores. 5 reps for scoring team, 10 for non-scoring team.

The sun was brutal and the format made it tough, but was awesome nonetheless. There was never much standing still.

The bad guys wanted one more drive and they finished in the end zone to knot up the score.



Rambo’s mom fighting breast cancer.

YHC closed us in prayer.


Mayhem, Fredstinko, and I went to Coffeeteria at Chick-Fil-A of Winterville. Mayhem and Fredstinko carried on a conversation for quite awhile about family life. I realized I had to get home since it was about 1000 and had left home at 0540.

Stay tuned to the next date for Ultimate, the last Saturday of next month will be #TheSasquatch. We may do it the week before. When we do, come join us!

TClap |