YHC was having a mental block when thinking up workouts for warrior, so I went to the exicon and picked some excercises that sounded like they sucked… I never made it out of the A’s

The Thang

Don Quixotes- X10
Merkins- IC X10
Tonka did not like YHC making the Pax stay in the down position for some reason.

Follow me! To the bottom of the hill

Ascending curb crawls to 10 (bear crawls from one side of the road to the other then 1 Derkin, bear crawl back to the other curb then 2 derkins keep going until you reach 10)

Follow me! To the top of the hill

Overhead arm claps- X20

Follow me! To the benches

11’s with step ups and seated dips

Wall sits 10 count each Pax

Australian Mountain climbers (BTTW then mountain climber)IC- x8 (need to get my endurance up, s I can punish the Pax!)

Follow me! To the meadow


Alternating shoulder taps-IC X10

Follow me! Back to the benches

Aiken legs- no rest 20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges, 20 split jacks.

Follow me! Sprint to the pole and back to the SF.

Ass kickers IC X20

Tonka provided Mary in the form of Banana- Boat (apparently these objects can substitute for each other)

Count and Name-O-Rama


I needed this! I haven’t posted in a while and it was great for my soul to come out and run around doing things that suck with the Pax!

TClap |