Warm-up- SSHx15, DonQx10, Michael Phelpsx10, arm circlesx10, 4 count merkinsx15. Indian run lap

7 of diamonds at the ball field. 4 rounds. 7 Merkins at each base, 14 mountain climbers each, 21 Carolina dry docks, 28 squats.

7s at the soccer field. Step up on the bleachers on one side and lieutenant dans on the other.

4 corners around the church. 20 Diamond Merkins Led by patch, 20 4 count flutter kicks led by tap of course, 20 wide arm Merkins led by kool aid, and 20 Freddie Mercury’s led by sawdust. Spent to the flag and hold plank until 0615!

COT. prayers- patches 2.0 back in school, soft shell and Lynyrd Skynyrds recovery, PR going to school and n Rochester.




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