4:40 YHC OYO EC Ruck

5:30 Tha Thang-we will go back for the 6-NO EXCUSES!

Indian Run
4-Corners:10 Merkins/20 WWII/20 Squats-run to next corner of church
20 Merkins/40 WWII/40 Squats-run
30 Merkins/60 WWII/60 Squats-run again
40 Merkins/60 WWII/60 Squats-Run DAMN IT!

Soccer Field: 11’s Catalina Wine Mixers-run across filed-Planks Jacks(2 is 1) run back-YADA YADA

WALL: Peoples Chair 5 count/Chicken Peckers 4 count in the BTTW position of course

To the Side Walk-7’s-Merkins-bear crawl to fence-V-Up-run back REPEAT

To the Flag-Flutter Fails-6:15

Prayers: Grouts 2.0, Patches Patients Mom,CC GM, Bonos MIL,Build our Sons into Men-POST THEM, Sad Clowns and Kotters
PRAISE: Our Brother PULP-Back in the fold, back in the GLOOM

Announcements: No I Dear and a Pax counsel working on Community Outreach Project to show racial unity in our community.

Mole Skin: Share this gift of F3 with your young men-So many important Life Lessons we repeat daily at our AOs
“Pick up the 6”-step in to stop exploitation and bullying
“Embrace the Suck” step up and out of your Comfort Zone
“In Cadence” daily routines that insure our youths work together
“Push the Rock” do not give up, do not give in
” Suffer in Silence(but not in solitude)” do not wine and cry for attention, instead reach out to your brother”


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