poa as 1st order of the gloom.

SSH. Monkey Humpers. Stretch R, L, C, Michael Phelps. Mosey to the front of the property at Westside.

HIIT Was next. 40 seconds WORK, 20 seconds REST. 5 ROUNDS of:

Reverse Lunges. Imperial Walkers. Mountain Climbers. SQUATS. Jump Squats.

Next Exercises:

Jab, SQUAT, Jab

Arm Circles



A few lil Marys.

YHC prayed us out: Nothing Special, Sawdust, TBD are heading toward other journeys-graduating ECU. Travel for DEEP DISH and Fam to Chicago. Pulp and Fam to the SWAMP. YHC brother Bob brain surg recovery. Reaching out to MEN you see and those unseen. Our Nation. Jesus is the Way, Truth, Life. No one gets to God except through HIM.

Sasquatch next July 31.

CC is out until next time, you  ‘PELATON’ erz.


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