Chariots of Fire: Le Grande Tour Part Trois

When: 12/18/18 QIC: Nice Body; Angus; Mr. Belding: Gazelle (in absentia) Pax: Abu, Angus, Aquaman, Boston Lager, Conch Fritter, Cousin IT, Gamecock (RESPECT), Hometown, Matlock, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Nice Body, Past Due (RESPECT), Petey, Rafiki, Silverback...

Ghosts of RunStrong Past

When: 12/11/18 QIC: Cousin IT, String Bean, Abu Pax: Abu, Aquaman, Boston Lager, Cousin IT, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Hot Pursuit (RESPECT), Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Nice Body, P-Doc, Past Due (RESPECT), Rafiki, Silverback (RESPECT), Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT),...

Running In A Winter Wonderland

When: 12/09/18 QIC: Nice Body Pax: Cousin IT, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Gazelle, Nice Body, String Bean, The End (RESPECT) Back in mid-November YHC told The End that I needed the some Sunday morning motivation to post at The Commons in December, so we agreed on a Q...

The Grand Tour – Part 1

When: 12/04/18 QIC: Die Hard Pax: Aquaman, Cousin IT, Die Hard, Erie, Gamecock (RESPECT), Gazelle, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Nice Body, Noonan, Past Due (RESPECT), Rafiki, Silverback (RESPECT), Skipper, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Stern, String Bean, Tortoise...

500 mile Poop

When: 11/27/2018 QIC: Past Due Pax: Nice Body, Past Due (RESPECT) 0527, Is anyone going to show?  What am I going to do?  Leave and go home. Run Strong will be long gone by the time I get there.  Headlights coming up 1st st.  Slowing down, could it be a F3 Pax?  Low...