4:40 YHC and Bench met up and combined a little EC Ruck with some Pray First as we were alone-great baseball mumble chatter I must admit.

5:30-cars and PAX members arrived and YHC spouted out fist bumps, disclaimers and we began


Good Morns 15
SSH 15
Merkins 15
Imperial Walkers 15


INDIAN RUN once around the place

ROCK PILE:20-30 reps on Goblet Squats,Chest Presses,Curls,Tricep Extension, Hallelujahs,Flutter kicks and LBC

Mosey to the WALL: 5 counts Peoples Chair(50 count for Tap of course(RESPECT)

Mosey to the Center:

20 low squats whenever in the center
4 paths to run

Path 1 20 MERKINS at the end and back to center-20 more low squats

Path 2 20 each leg Mountain Climbers at the end…

Path 3 50 LBCs at the end…

Path 4 50 Hallelujahs at the end… center squats

Mosey back to flag for the dreaded RING OF FIRE
Everyone in low hit position-shuffle low to the right
Pax takes turns HALTING Pax and calling out exercise and reps-worked all the way around the 18
WE saw merkins, WW1, WW2, Freddies, squat jumps, merkins, SSH, and 20 BURPEES from Tap-among other movements

Prayers: Whatleys twins, Gang Starr’s Dad, Taps M’s Mom,Patch’s daughter-5 months until BAMA-Boo Hooing

Announcements: Coop Strong this Saturday, Camparee sign ups

Moleskin: “Hadafarm” with a little battery trouble-Its amazing how dangerous we can be when we assume we know where each cable goes during a jump start-sparks were a flying!

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