My Q today was almost canceled by a lightning bolt but after clearing up, the Pax and I were able to start the workout. First we started by farmer carrying our kettlebells to the track.


2 lap run

10x Michael Phelps

10x squats


We started the workout with a favorite.

KB Ladders w/ Squats and KB Swings (start with 20/20, 18/18, 16/16,14/14,12/12,…2/2)

Then I decided to try something new and we took on the longest mile.

10 burpees

100m run

10 merkins

100m run

10 squats

100m run

10 situps

rinse and repeat 4x to complete a full mile.

Once we finished the mile, we farmer carried back to the grass and did some mary.

12 x J-Lo

5x ab-solution (from plank to low plank, plank-jacks, low to regular plank, merkin, thats 1 rep)

40x WWI

10x Flutter kicks

Prayer Requests

-my friend’s father, Ray Boissonneault, in recovering from an arm infection and needed back surgeries.

-Noonan’s sister for light and guidance

-more conversation, understanding, and unification for our country


-Sasquatch: It is virtual and in person. The virtual Sasquatch continues thru July and is done with a partner. the in-person is on the first of august. you can do both.

-I also have the Q again tomorrow at Ruck Ready.

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