On the Friday, the eve of the Sophmore “Sasquatch” (ENC Crossbones: 2nd Annual CSAUP Region Event). 11 men gathered to make preparations to Take Down the Giant(s) in their lives. The theme as defined by the QIC was Death to Sasquatch, where an acrostic was utilized to identify the true giants that men must defeat to live in purpose.

The PAX began with the disclaimer and we had one FNG.

We began with a warm-up and active stretching between two the Crepe Myrtles serving as our start and end points for movement:

Walk down regular, Walk back on heels, Walk down on toes only, High-Knees back, Side-step down & back, Stepping Knee to Chest (holding and hugging knee under the patella for a split second, then alternate), Hamstring Kickouts, Frankensteins, Active Quad Stretch (holding ankle for split second and alternate), Lunges with Atlas twist.

Mosey to the Rocks: Sasquatch has 9 letters in the name so we performed 9 reps each (on each side where appropriate):

Diaphragm high rotations with hips locked, Rock Around the Clock (starting from diaphragm each movement and then, move rock to 12’oclock, then, 1o’clock, etc. Clockwise, then, Counter-Clockwise, Diagonal Chops with Rocks (first set from left shoulder to right hip, then, right shoulder to left hip) (second set- starting from left ear to right knee, then repeat on other side), Rock Squats with Shoulder Press, Pass the Rock

Cousin IT Led some men-building 2nd F by asking the PAX to share what a difference F3 has made in their life. After testimony time Cousin IT led us in prayer and we then, hustled to the Ball field and performed the exercises listed below using the acrostic for Sasquatch.


DEATH to Sasquatch–Sasquatch MUST Come Down

All Exercises either had a full run around the outfield or Followed by a Hustle to the outfield fence and back

1 REP Sprint to out field and back S Self (DEATH TO)///SELF that elevates my agenda above God’s Agenda
2 REPS Around the Clock Lunges (1x Clock/1xCounterClock) A Attitudes that are poor-Attitude Impacts Everything and I am in Charge of Mine
3 REPS Burpees S Senseless Leadership-Death to leading by the seat of my pants. Seeking God for His Vision of Leadership
4 REPS Obliques (each Side) Q Questionable Motives & Prayer Life-Living for God and His people///Really Pray and not just recite
5 REPS Up-Downs U Undernourished Spiritual Man
6 REPS Air Squats A Atrophied Spiritual Fruit & Gifts
7 REPS Toe-Reach Crunches T Technology Worship/Distraction///Take the Time to Disconnect so that I can make sure I am Connected to God
8 REPS 3-Way Calve Raises C Caring for things as if they are THE most important things (What Does God Care About: People, etc.)
9 REPS Hand-Release Merkins H Help(less) to being available/helpful and seeking/receiving Help

After the DEATH to Sasquatch we hustled back to the Flags and did the sound off, and named our FNG: Strokes!

All men were better encouraged and prepared to take down the giant(s) in their life.

Prayer Requests: Sasquatch, Papa Smurf, Psycho shared the need of the people he has the honor to serve having a great need for healing.

Another 1st F at Blast Off, in the books.

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