YHC arrived with Cold Cut after a week in the sanitarium. Disclaimer was given and math instructions for the Pirates and Heels in the group. Wolfpackers and Hokies may assist the weaker links with math if needed.

The Thang

Follow YHC on run through roundabout and back to side parking lot.

Instructions given for twelves.OYO.

12 merkins, 12 squats, 12 lunges each leg, 12 merkins

Run to fitness equipment

24 merkins, 24 squats, 24 lunges each leg, 24 merkins

Run to bleacher by start of trail

36 merkins, 36 squats, 36 lunges each leg, 36 merkins

Plank and recover

Partner up and line up at each side of open field by trail. Partner 1 runs while Partner 2 does squats . TAG then 2 runs over and back while 1 does squats. Run as team back to head of trail.

Run first section of trail. When you exit:

12 merkins , 12 squats, 12 lunges each leg, 12 merkins

Plank and recover

Run 2nd section of trail. When you exit:

24 merkins, 24 squats, 24 lunges each leg, 24 merkins.

Mosey to Umbrella by ball fields.

Line up in two group on backstop for :

BALLS TO THE WALLS- hold for 10 count by each pax. Heard several bouts of mumble chatter which could not be translated.


Split into 4 groups for 4 Corners Home plate, 1st , 2nd and 3rd base.

Complete as a team ( only move as a team) at each base as follows:

Imperial Walkers x12

Plank Jacks x12

Mountain Climbers x12

Copperhead Squats x12

Recover .

Balls to the wall. Hold for 30 seconds timed by YHC.

Mosey back to shovel flags.


WIlson workout and Swamp Stomp race tomorrow


K&W continued recovery


YHC glad to be back. Lots of new faces. Continue to see 20+ Pax regularly


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