YHC decided that with a 5K race later in the morning, more Pax may be inclined to join if it was known that legs would be spared at the beatdown today. Later at the 5k race, some pax let me know that it was tempting but other factors outside of their control kept them in the sack.

Pre warm-up (while waiting for all pax to arrive):

Arm circles front and back, overhead arm swings, Michael Phelps, 10 squats

Real Warm-up

1/4 lap around the park – 15 merkins, 15 Carolina drydocks

1/4 lap to the fitness equipment- 15 back rows, 15 dips (rinse and repeat 1x)

1/4 Lap- 15 merkins, 15 Carolina drydocks

Run to the playground to finish the warm-up- 5 pull-ups, 10 dips (rinse and repeat)

The Thang

  1. Tabada, (4 rounds) 30 secs or crush curls, 30 seconds of close grip merkins on the dumbbell. 30 seconds 1 min rest between rounds.
  2. Abapalooza for recovery- flutter kicks and plank variations
  3. Stations- 6 stations, 10 reps per station, 4 rounds. Skull crushers, curls, tricep extensions, hammer curls, box jumps.
  4. Abapalooza to finish- leg raises, reverse toe touches, WWI sit-ups

It was not the greatest beatdown ever delivered but the pax got a good arm swell and the mumble chatter was great. The usual intensity of BoydLeeBeatdown doesn’t allow for much mumble chatter so it was a nice addition to the workout today. Bambino informed the pax of some great skin care advise that the Pax were all planning to share with their M’s. Not that they need it but just as a kind gesture. YHC may have to make arm day a monthly feature at the beatdown but next week it will be a deadlifting, squatting, lunging, rowing and kettlebell swinging good time!



String Bean- Prayers for safe travel for the family and for the decisions our children make every day as they grow up

Mr. Belding- New job

Pax doing GoRuck and 5k race


See Y’all next week,


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