The morning was cold. the winds blew. The gloom was dark. 5 men gathered (one more to join in soon) with enough iron to ensure the wind would carry no pax away.

Warm up- Good mornings, cotton pickers, squats, SSH all IC

Thang- mosey to traffic circle. 3 rounds of: 10 curb calf raises IC, 10 Mike Tysons with bear crawl to other cub and back, 10 squats. mosey to barbells for deadlifts in decreasing set reps with increasing weight 8-6-4-2. Cone were set up in lines about 50′ apart. Pax did 10 reps of an exercise at one line, farmer carried weight to other line for 10 reps of a second exercise, then farmer carry weight back and repeat untill 3 sets of both exercises were finished. after 3 sets  of the two exercise with farmer carries were finished, went for 800m run before starting over agian with 2 new exercises. exercises were bent row & bicep curls, weighted merkins(pax request) & push press, weighted lunges & weighted squats.

Prayer requests- Praise for Austin (7yo) Riley’s successful surgery of tumor on leg and prayers for quick and full recovery.


Live Well Free 5k at Greenville Town Commons March 10, 09:00

Storm The Stadium at Dowdy Ficklen Stadium March 17 multiple start times, F3 guys are encouraged to sign up for the 08:30 heat

Coop Strong 4 miler March 24 run, ruck, or volunteer! (Races are made great in part by great volunteers. More are needed. You are needed!)

Moleskin- This will not go down as one one of YHC’s best Qs. inadequate planning led to what YHC believes was poor Q execution. Even on YHCs best Qs there is always some place, large or small, few or many, that can be worked on or improved. there is no substitute that YHC knows of for a clear plan. Even if the plan gets modified heavily, or tossed out all together at some point, the knowledge of a clear plan brings a confidence in execution. Lack of clear plan can lead to holes, gaps, awkward transitions, and other possible consequences negatively impacting a Q’s ability to lead. Learning the hard way is learning path that has been well worn. The hard way way learned is less often forgotten. This wasn’t a ClusterQ, and hopefully pax would not judge the job done by the Q as harshly as YHC does, because their time is valuable, they put in the work, and they deserve to feel the Q gave them the best they had. The pentacle of perfection, even if not obtainable, is an excellent target. Leading is not just about trying. Leading well is more about knowing and doing. As in: it’s not enough that YHC tried to be on time to the commons where YHC is currently serving as site Q, it is about knowing what needs to be done to be on time and doing it. How ever, YHC isn’t sure if there is any real way to better gain the knowledge of what is needed of one’s self to be better without putting yourself out there and trying your best. It is always a pleasure, and a privilege, to get to lead any F3 workout (especially a favorite one like Boyd Lee Beatdown). YHC is excited to use the meat of this workout again, more finely tuned. It’s gonna be something great, and your not going to want to miss it! Well, maybe your forearms will. It was a great morning, even if windy. It was a good workout, even if not a legendary one. It was a awesome to get to work with the men who posted, and work they did!  YHC is a work in progress far from the target, but with plans of getting a little closer and with more to give. Such a privilege to learn and grow surrounded by so many HIMs in F3. ISI!  -strokes out

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