As Yhc sat in my car looking at my weinke one more time, I noticed that more vehicles were pulling in than usual. This being my VQ this had me nervous, but the Army taught me two things for sure 1) False motivation is better than no motivation, and 2)Fake it until you make it and with that it was time to circle up! Yhc gave the I am not a professional disclaimer and We began with:
-15 IC good mornings
-15 IC Don Quixotes
Then the Pax were let loose to run the track to the rock pile (long and short route available)
Once at the rock pile we split into 2 groups (left side grabbed small-medium rocks, right side grabbed large rocks)(After the initial orders Yhc saw those in the right group glaring in envy at the left group, but all would be evened out).
The Thang
– 10 Burpees OYO
– 25 Rock curls IC
– 25 Rock squats (hug your rock!) IC
– 10 Tricep extension w/Rock of course
* I attemtpted to create something I was going to call the ring of fire, planning fail on my part, mistakes were made*
– tighten up the circle, wide stance, tight abs, pass the rocks to your right until told to halt
Rinse and repeat 3X
Jail break to the shelter
– 10 seated dips OYO
– 15 Durkins
– 15 Irkins
Jail break to SF
-Lined up shoulder to shoulder- 2 lines 1st group sprinted to second tree and bear crawled to the third tree and sprinted back to starting line. Second group performed squats until the first group returned and vice versa. Rinse and repeat X2
– Same 2 groups-karaoke to the second tree sprint to the third and sprint back. Rinse repeat X2
Circled up to do some F3 potpourri (I have no clue if this is a term, but it was a lot of random exercises OYO) if I remember correctly it was
– 30 (4 count) flutter kicks
– 15 WAM’s (wide armed merkins)
– 15 Peter parker’s
– 20 WW2 sit-ups
Integrated some rounds of selected “what is something awesome about you!” Between excercises. I would tell you why some of these Pax proved they were awesome, but then what would be the point of you posting if you could read every awesome detail on a BB!
Yhc then reiterated that this was his VQ and asked the Pax how they felt. The mumble chatter sounded positive, so in order to keep morale high the order was given to form back up into 2 groups and first group go!
– sprint to the side walk (both groups)
– 10 Burpees
– sprint back
Rinse and repeat X2
(I did not record the prayer requests, my apologies.)
If I remember correctly we have Pax traveling this week so prayers for safe passage.

The pax showed up big time today and kicked the gloom in its teeth. I had a great time for my VQ! (I only pulled my weinke out 2 times) I hope y’all enjoyed it as much as I did!(the workout not my weinke) Welcome to our 2 FNG’s!


TClap |