All gathered in good form as men began F-3 at Build-Up, BLP. Nothing hindered the use of ROCKS (Coupons), unless one discounts the Mumble Chatter later on during the 2nd F. Men, “You Rocked”……………

SSH, Hueys (Overhead arm CIrcles), Don Quixotes

Bear Crawl or SIngle Leg Lunge (modifier) toward the Rock Pile. Gathered Rocks: Rounds of Curls, Bent Over Rows, Tricep extensions.

Mr. Mom then led the PAX in two lines in cadence doing Hallelujahs with Rocks toward Center Court….Halt, Recover.

A few Rounds: of PPLS CHAIR using Rocks and Counting; Flutter Kicks.

Let’s Push the Rock now from Center Court towards the Moon (Woods), or modify by single leg lunges while using the Roc with Hallelujahs to the sidewalk. Rounds of WWII and WWII with the Rock.

Head back toward Center Court with Rocking Hallelujahs in COUNT led by Hot Pursuit. Irkins awaiting, along with Squatting ROCKS. How’s this for on the ROCKS Popeye?

Return toward the Park Entrance where Frank the Tank loved…fast step-ups with Rocks, (AKA Butkis). Southern Fried was enjoying the non-rain event. Two Burpees (Hey Moses). Rocks away. Jail Break to the Flag. 45 minutes Elapsed.

YHC Prayed us out: King Pin’s sister-Elaine-CA and in-law; Popeye’s request re: broken arm of co-worker; Easy Rider; San Fran and Butterworth’s wives. Hot Pursuit’s son-recovery for his shoulder. Our Country. Be a leader.

Build Up Over. Thanks STERN. Men “Rocked”

Whetstone Project, sign-up. NEW A0: Next Week Wednesday 2/7-Elm Street, led by Spinal Tap

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