It was cold and windy but we warmed up quick.

Started with arm circles (front and back) 10 IC, Seal claps 10 IC, Halleluiah’s 20, Michael Phelps 10 IC, Merkins 10 IC

Run half lap to other side of circle. Legs: Sumo squats 20 IC, Calf raises 10 each leg, and slow both legs.

Run half lap back to other side of circle. Pax choice type of merkin.  Got werkins, and rangers

Mosey to shelter for some step up and overs, dips, and irkins

Mosey to the pilands for a bear crawl to the ditch and lunge back.

Next stop rock pile for 5 rounds of curls, tricep extensions, bent over rows, overhead press.  Everyone got a taste of each rock

Last stop balls to the wall and chicken peckers on the wall at the bathrooms.

Mary to the end.

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