As tradition is known, Memorial Day is the day we come together to do the #Murph! Abu put out a #PreBlast and several tweets were put out on the #TwitterMachine! Several men made commitments that they would be there. YHC arrived to watch the 0530 group finish up. Others for the 0615 start began to show up. We waited a litter after 0615 and just about doubled our number! Some showed, some didn’t!


Walk over to the Fitness Equipment.

The Thang

1 Mile
100 Pull-ps
200 Merkins
300 Squats
1 Mile


Praise for San Fran’s M, Slushie, diagnosis.

Praise for Doubtfire, continues to heal after surgery and is ready to be back.

Strokes mentioned a couple who are trying to have children.

People on the roads today.

YHC closed us in prayer.


Coffeeteria at Cracker Barrel. Over half of our group showed. We met Abu and Baby Croc there!


As this date was approaching, many remembered and the questions were coming! As the date came, I began to think about our military and what they have done for us. We would not have been able to possibly meet this morning, workout for around an hour, and definitely would not have been able to pray! We are blessed because so many gave their lives to allow for our freedom!

Thank you to these other 8 PAX that met at a later time and push themselves! We did the same thing last year and numbers were much higher than. Was glad to have Bono and Spin Cycle step up to the Challenge with me and wear the vest. This was the first Murph without Mellow Johnny being there with his vest. Maybe he didn’t remember, maybe I should have reminded him, maybe he was out of town???

Continue to take time and reflect what we have, REMEMBER!

TClap |