Sucker punch was supposed to have his VQ today, but he went off the grid. After trying to contact him a couple of times, I realized that I had been sucker punched into taking the Q.

Warm Up


Good Mornings 15 IC

High Knees 15 IC

The Thang

Mosey to bus stop at the bottom of the lower parking lot.

Starting at the bus stop we ran to each line going up the parking lot, did 5 Merkins at each line, then ran back to the bus stop. There were 12 lines, which put our Merkin total at 60. WW1s for the six.

Mosey to Minges meadow

Partner up, one person lunges across and runs back while the other is doing WW2 situps for a total of 300 between the pair.

Mosey to the flag.


Prayer Requests

Underdog – family members who were in 4 wheeler and automobile accidents

Gazelle – family getting over sickness

Sarge – aunt recovering from suicide attempt, and cousin waiting for heart transplant

Cold cut – Carol fighting cancer, David pulling away from God

Papa smurf, crack corn, steamy and joker dealing with ailments and injuries


Clydesdales workout on Thursdays at the stadium

Mr. Belding is the Q for the Sasquatch, will start meeting after the new year to start planning. Contact Mr. Belding if you are interested in helping with the Sasquatch.

Christmas wrapping at cypress glen on saturday

Cable has his VQ next Friday

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