YHC was asked to take the Q for Monday Mash and answered immediately in the affirmative.  When asked to take the Q the HIM says “YES! May I have another PLEASE!” Oops. That’s part of another story! Anyhow when asked to Q say yes. YHC and other PAX can testify to the benefits of living 3rd by taking the Q. If the reason for saying no is fear of failure “for get about it”. Oops! Another movie reference! Actually embrace the suck. YHC has learned that when he moves out of his comfort zone amazing things happen. Well, while this Q was not outside of YHC’s comfort zone the plan for the beatdown would definitely push everyone. Now YHC is known for his untimely arrivals but this morning was an exception. As the PAX began to roll in the numbers swelled to double digits. Only one brave soul did not have on long sleeves and one who wore shorts had socks so long that Santa couldn’t have filled it nor could Wimpie with one of his “emergency” visits to to woods. Well, enough prattle. The 5:30 hit on the watch and we were off…like a dirty shirt!
SSH x 25 IC
Don Quixotes x 15 IC
Mosey to Elmhurst end of the Stadium
Step Ups x 10 OYO (each leg)
Four Corner: Burpees x 10, Merkins x20, Peter Parkers x 30, Squats x 40
Rinse and Repeat
Mosey to Parking lot at the bottom of College Hill
Catch Me if you Can: One partner runs while the other does 5 merkins and then sprints to tag his partner and they flip flop. Continue until they reach the starting point
Rinse and repeat
Mosey to stairs next to lot
Irkins x 21 IC
Run the stairs touching every step
At the top Bear Crawl 25 yards (One comment at this point was this was a male appendage move after Merkins and Irkins. A Pax replied “Are we talking smack about Belding now?” Yes they were. Mumblechatter is good.
Mosey back to stadium lot for one more round of FOUR CORNERS!! Burpees x 10, Merkins x20, Peter Parkers x 30, Squats x 40
Jailbreak for the flag
Prayer requests for Papa Smurf, Steamy, Crack Corn and Cold Cut as well as other recovering PAX. Dewey and M for the coming of their 2.0. Announcements about getting kettle bells. If you missed it sorry. Also we want to break the bank for Holiday Heroes. We’ve met the goal now let’s exceed it. Get in touch with Gazelle and he can let you know how to get involved. Here’s a link. http://www.youthvillages.org/get-involved/holiday-heroes/north-carolina.aspx#sthash.UBrAbjXZ.dpbs
YHC is honored when asked to Q. All the kidding aside what this post was about for YHC was how far we all have come. It was during the Christmas season last year that YHC encountered One Word. Over this past year YHC has been focused on the word “Give”. It comes to YHC during a post, at work, driving, reading, laughing and when YHC takes himself and his plans a little to seriously because they are not HIS plans. Giving of ourselves is what taking the Q means. It is how YHC remembered what the true purpose of a HIM is…to GIVE. Taking the Q is not about who is the baddest, toughest, roughest (although it’s cool when guys are about to splash) it’s about being willing to push to the limit and a little further. It’s about making sure the men who got out of the fartsack and posted walk away knowing they are better for having spent time with the Q. What will be your word for the coming year. Give One Word a try. http://getoneword.com/ That’s living 3rd. That is F3. See you in the gloom.
TClap |