YHC hadn’t Q’d a track workout before, so reached out to Captain to get some ideas — he shared lots of good ones. This AO is definitely one of the toughest in all of ENC, it’s a you vs. you AO that challenges PAX to push themselves as hard as they can to get stronger and faster. Still nursing a little hip injury, YHC was a little tentative about doing lots of speed work, so we opted for a combo of speed and endurance. Kudos to Reroute on his first Oval post! Keep coming back, brother. All in all, these guys pushed themselves to be faster and stronger!

The Thang:

4 lap warmup

1600m, 1/2 lap cool down
1200m, 1/2 lap cool down
800m, 1/2 lap cool down
400m, 1/2 lap cool down
200m, 2 lap cool down

With each cool down 1/2 lap we went back for the 6.

TClap |