14 men Protested the Fart-Sack as the gathering commenced at AKP on County Home Road in the gloom. High-Tide was the administrator of this hilarious rucking event. It was awesome to hear good ol  (young)’Slide’ (has not come to an AO since summer 2015) comment, “I didn’t know what a ruck was so, here I am”. Nutmeg accompanied Slide. Welcome young men…And, speaking of ‘Welcome’, it was good to have Charlie Brown join the ruck.

Bono and Duff garnished some EC as they rucked early. Bono even had his Big Metal Pole waiting for the PAX and a 50 pounder….  High-Tide provided his two sand-filled sausages. Pied Piper had his 30 pound unit of Concrete, he toted it with pride. Butter-Worth had a huge padded ‘Rock’… I think these were the biggest coupons. I don’t know if any others have any bigger. Early-Bird barely managed to handle the Big Pole…might need some taillights on that big black pole..

High-Tide provided the disclaimer as there were no FNG’s and started us hoofing out at 5:30, ending at 6:15 and 1.6 miles.

The THANG  as we did not face gale force winds..

10-BURPEES with Ruck.


20 Seconds each man of the People’s Chair on the Fence, Ruck Packs in front of us..(some guys know some foreign dialect)

At the fancy outhouse(s)…Partner up. Each would do merkins and squats. The other would go with ruck and coupon around the building, up and over dos picnic tables and back.

Move out to the next event of soldier crawling with rucks on through the high-planking men, shoulder to shoulder. Each had a tunneling good experience, even if Butterworth had a ‘Big’ pack as usual, and Chuck Brown crushed it at the end…breaking up the tunnel. AARP though did not have to be called…Overall, this is always fun as crap is talked wondering who is crawling under us.

Circle-Up at the end. High-Tide and Butterworth led with: Merican Hammers and WWII’s.

High-Tide led us out in prayer. Sorry, if I cannot recall all the names…God does ! … Take some time to reach out to Papa-Smurf. Steamy, Crack-Corn, Joker, Carol Keech, John Williams (open heart surgery on Thursday), Peggy and her family, Mrs. Asby, Gamecock, others..Praise God. 

La-Fiesta is the place to be to eat lunch today and have some 2nd-F. Wal-Mart area on highway 33.

 Grow-Ruck still growing and can participate. Saquatch coming in the sumer.

Cold-Cut out (FOR HIGH-TIDE)..



TClap |