YHC needed to go to the archives of run strong for a little inspiration for today’s work out.  Gamecock gave the inspiration to YHC from a work out he Q’d back in December.  I can honestly say it was one of hardest workouts at run strong YHC has experienced.  It was only fitting that Gamecock posted on this day.  The PAX was in store for getting both their fast and slow twitch myofibers worked this am.

Here is how it went down:

Warm Up:

Side Straddle Hops IC x12

Mountain Climbers IC x 12

Low deep squats IC x 12

5 burpees OYO in recognition of Tonka being present this am.

The Thang:

Mosey to the parking lot on College Hill via left on Elm, right on 14th, right on Charles, right on 10th.  The gazelles went a little further than the parking lot.

Once at the lot YHC had the PAX line up on the curb (this is where YHC stole a couple of ideas off of Gamecock).  Run down and back to the opposite curb at 1/2-3/4 speed.  Line up again-run down and back to the curb at 3/4-full speed.  Partner up-one PAX member stays back and does forward lunges, while the other PAX member performs suicides at every white line in the parking lot all the way to the opposite curb.  Al Gore for the 6.  Line up for one more time down to the curb and back.  On the way back Tonka called a jail break!

YHC began to explain two different routes back to the flag, but before YHC could finish Slim Jim chimed in and said everyone is gonna head back the long way.  Way to go Slim!!  As an entire PAX we headed back to the flag via up college hill, left on 14th, and left back on Elm.  Got back to the flag at 6:15am on the dot.

Prayer Requests:

Gamecock’s neighbor-a mass was found in his abdomen.  He is currently in Chapel Hill receiving treatment.

Hot Spot’s C12 Brothers and Sisters

Susan Ingram- battling a rare form of Cancer.  She just got back from receiving treatments in Colorado.

Common Core- friends Mom is battling Breast Cancer.  One of his campers is recovering from a Stroke.

Praise- Tonka’s 2.0 is turning 6 today!!


Bartman has the Q at 116 this Saturday.

Blue Ridge spots are still available.  Contact Nice Body if interested.

The Refuge Camporee May 4th and 5th.  Sign up.  Great fellowship with fellow PAX and 2.0’s.

String Bean put a challenge out to each and everyone of us to push a rider associated with Ainsley’s Angels at any 5K event throughout the year.  They are always in need of runners.

Lager Out!

TClap |