My schedule allowed me to Q The CP, it had been a while!

Warm-up: Good mornings, Sun Gods and Mike Phelps

The Thang: Mosey to first pole on long road into the patch. Light pole suicides with reps of 5-10-15 at the different poles. The exercises were merkins, jump sqts, WW1’s and burpees. Stop by the rocks for each pax to call a rep of 10 for each exercise (Bis, tris,OHP, sqts, rows, rock pikes and nascars). Mall walk to the food truck. Escalator in parking lot 5-10-15-20 with burpees, dry docks, monkey humps and v-ups. Head to shelter for 7’s of dips/murks and durks/urks. Must have hit something on my watch because I accidentally called 911. They called me back and I returned their call and let them know we were fine.


  • 102 year old member of JP’s church near the end
  • Nation dealing with the virus
  • Sign up for Sasquatch
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