When Rafiki asked me to Q The Collard Patch a few weeks ago I was excited. I had a lot in mind I wanted to do for a solid beatdown. Then, he comes back to me and says the first Monday of the month is geared towards strength training. This did not phase me at all. YHC has lost a lot of weight with F3 and I thank all the brothers for helping me achieve my goal. Now, I have had a new goal the past few months. It want to put ON weight in the form of muscle. Hence, the excitement of another strength training workout to go to this week.


Don Q- IC


The Thang

We jog 1 lap around the path and then head to the rock pile. Everyone picks up a rock they can handle but also tests them. I think I got a little over ambitious but made due with the Spinal Tap sized rock.

So, we pick up the rocks then Cusak (rock overhead) to the front parking lot. There we would do a series of workouts with the rocks along with a little cardio.

Colt 45- A series of bicep curls- 15 curls from the bottom movement to halfway, 15 curls from halfway to top, and 15 full curls

20 overhead presses

20 squats

20 overhead situps

Jog, without rock, to the end of the parking lot and back

Rinse and Repeat

20- 4 ct American Hammers

20 Tricep Extensions

20 Lunges- 2 = 1

Jog, without rock, to the end of the parking lot and back

Rinse and repeat

Colt 45

Then completed all the above workout except no rinse and repeat and 10 counts instead of 20.

Once the rock workout was complete we Cusak back to the rock pile where we gently placed the rocks back where we found them.

I love the sand volleyball court at this AO. There is nothing that sucks more than getting all gritty and having to do exercises in it. So… thats exactly what we did.

Bear Crawl in the sand around the volleyball court stopping at each corner to do 2 burpees.

Mosey back to the circle with just a few minutes to spear for some monkey humpers and MARY


Aquaman, Doubtfire, Bookwork all struggling with injuries.

Vanilla’s co-worker. Her husband passed away over the weekend.

Die Hard’s family friend who’s father recently passed away.



Streak Challenge






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