The goal of today was to keep the PAX together therefore the front would circle back for the 6 at each stoplight or stop-sign they come to today.

The Thang

Right at 6:00am we started with the first exercise– running! 1st destination was the ECU fountain (or pirate near it). There on the ECU mall two groups formed to perform two laps of Indian Run around the outer perimeter. Along the way we picked up our 12th man, Strokes.

Second stop was the bottom of college hill where we did two laps of the Freshman Loop (because if freshman did this everyday then maybe they wouldn’t gain the freshman 15). The loop starts at the crosswalk then runs up the steps towards Jones Hall then across the road to Todd Dining Hall then down the stairs back to the crosswalk.

Third stop was the corner of 14th and Evans where we did 14 squats.

For the fourth stop we went to my favorite place to sled in Greenville, Third street hill. The Pax ran down and up the hill twice with squats for the 6 at the top.

The final stop was the flag (or was there a flag?) via some detours and jailbreaks to keep moving until the Jarvis Church bells rang.

Prayer Requests

  • Harry Potter’s mother having surgery this week
  • Jodi Wagner- diagnosed with cancer
  • Pitt County Young Life Retreat this weekend


  • Check the website for CSAUPs
  • Cable is looking for some Qs at the Stadium on Mondays
  • Keep talking up Ayden and the 3rd street AO
  • Trash Pickup 10/28 8:30 at RiteAid


Thank you Strokes for letting me Q today. Also as a public service announcement, beware of shirtless Nantans giving out free five miles.

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