You got to get em back somehow. You’ve hit em. Now what? That wayward 6 iron is still to often slicing off course, making the collection process out in the yard longer than it ought. So you head out an scoop em up. Shag em all to a rough pile and whack at em again flinching at every slice cause you know your out practicing alone, which means the shagger this time is you again. What could make this better? Well, less slices for one. Some company could really help though.

YHC arrived to The Commons and planted a shovel flag by Stretch’s Common, which no doubt marked the EC launching point for he and Gazelle. Soon after the the shovel hit dirt, G String and Hat trick rolled in after a mile warm up EC. By 06:01 11 had gathered, circled up with disclaimer given, and were in the mist of some IC warm up exercises. SSH, High Knees, Butt Kickers, and Squats got us started. Followed by mosey around the stage and back to the flag while pax partnered up. Partners labeled themselves A and B, and YHC grabbed two buckets from the back of the truck. One marked A team, the other B team.  PAX was informed that their respective teams’ other bucket with the balls was at the top of the parking deck. The goal is to get as many balls back to The Commons as possible, one at a time, with doing 5 Burpees at pick up, and anther 5 at drop off. Quick count at 06:40 put B team with the win. Both teams picked an exercise to “inflict”. Teams did double stage sprints while other team did IC Slinkies, then flip-floped.

With some time left to run out, pax grouped up again for indian run to the bottom of the parking deck. YHC called out a few merkins as a recovery exercise, then group mosey to top of the deck to take in the view. YHC reminded the pax at the game time instruction that the top performer would win a prize. With so many scoring the same, it was too close for YHC to call. Time to settle that. The fix: No rules race to the flag from the top of the deck (smart guys took the stairs). Abu flew and was to squeak out a narrow win.

As a group we did almost 500 burpees and ran over 50 miles in an hour.

Official game count count: 22 to 23


Prayer request- Gazelle’s family battling sickness and all those fighting the flu; Abu’s neighbor Clyde and his family, including Sparky; Early Bird’s Aunts battle with cancer; Cousin IT’s foster daughter and upcoming court case; Papa Smurf; T-Bone’s foot and daughter


Convergence at BLP for 2 year anniversary Sat Feb 25, be there to help push the numbers and make it something special; fill out PAX survey; if your not going to GrowRuck be sure to Join the Live Well free 5K run, or better yet volunteer to work the on site F3 booth. Stretch would like to borrow your shovel flag for the race finish line.

Golf and running have almost nothing in common, not including a near miss of a t-time. The physical demands are seemingly totally different. There is one very apt similarity between the pursuit of a good walk not spoiled and endurance running: the force of mind. Excellence is achieved though force of mind, pressing forward to the long goal, on step at a time. Today all men who posted pressed on till the end to find many, if not most, on their backs at 07:00 as proof of the power of their drive and mental toughness to press though. Their personal, god granted, force of will lead them though to the beat down finish line. The initial goal of the workout was to provide a fun workout that a runner of any level could take at their pace. YHC believes this would have been a fun day for anyone no mater the speed. A fast pax posted with plenty of friendly competition flowing, so the pace became as the pax, quick. Awesome work by all.

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