YHC found a brutal looking tabata style Kettle Bell workout and quickly asked Pied Piper for a chance to Q.  Apparently there is a waiting list to Q at The Good Fight as YHC was told, “I think I can squeeze you in in about 3 weeks…”  So YHC plotted and tweaked until there was a 37.5 minute beat down sure to please even Aquaman.

Extra Credit: Dark Side Ruckers rolled out at 0545 for an adventurous (WET) 2¼ Miles with much Mumble-chatter and more than a few laughs.  Feel free to join us next time; we always have an extra ruck or two.

Thang: Tabata style workout. 8 exercises, 8 rounds each, 20 second work – 10 seconds rest with 45 seconds rest durring exercise changes.  The exercises were:  Kettle Bell Swings, One Arm Rows (switch arms each set), Kettle Bell Dead Lift, Curl & Press (switch arms each set), Goblet Squats, Triceps Extensions (switch arms each set), Wood Chopper (switch direction of chops each set), American Hammers.

Finished up with 20 Flutter Kicks IC (10 Slow & 10 Fast), 20 Mr. Roboto’s IC (10 Slow & 10 Fast), & a short Plank O’ Rama.

Prayers for:  The people of Texas & The fine men and women who are trying to help them.  Hot Spot’s continued and speedy recovery.  Gang Starr’s Pastor’s wife – Susanne Shepard good test result and wisdom for the doctors.   Spinal Tap’s friend Steve, Speedy recovery from pneumonia and surgery.

Announcements:  Capitol Ruck Tour 10/20,  Spartan Races 9/23&9/24, Good Samaritan 5K 10/14

Always a pleasure to bring the Downpainment.

Joker OUT


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