The school yard has been kicking lately and this day did not disappoint. YHC met Pied Piper, Jock Itch, Ma Bell and Crankshaft for EC rucking on the track carrying 2 – 60 lbs sandbags for training. Shout out to Crankshaft – he and his M gave birth to little Crank a week and a half ago. Props to him getting back out in the gloom.

We came off the track about 0520 and saw the masses assembling – the clown car of Can of Corn, White Lighting, Rockfish, and 2 FNG’s rolling in can really boost the numbers. These guys look like regulars at the school yard and YHC needs to prep them for a March VQ month.

Anyway the clock struck 0530. YHC gave the disclaimer – welcomed the FNG’s and we got rolling.



15 Good Mornings IC

15 Butt Kickers IC

15 High Knees

The Thang

2 lines – Indian Run into Tucker with the instruction to: 1) stay together 2) use neighbor hood voices 3) stay safe. Took Tucker to Cantanta then towards Charles Blvd. where we gathered at the parking lot in from of the Dentist Billy Williams:

First question – How many teeth are supposed to be in a adult mouth. 32 – PAX did 32 Peter Parker’s IC

ran around office complex then gathered in front of SSA

Second question – How many digits in a SS#. 9 – PAX did 9 burpees OYO

ran around office complex then gathered at Lawyers office

Third question – How many year to get law degree. 7 –  round of 7 Urkins and 7 Durkins IC

ran around office complex then gathered at contractors  office

Fourth question – How many questions on contractor exam. 100 – Hallelujahs IC

Ran to IRS Office

Fifth question – Most popular tax form. 1040.  50 Merkins OYO

Indian Run back to the flag. Total Miles 3.7 miles.

Arrived back at the flag at 0617. Q apologized for the late return.

Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama, name the FNG’s

Prayer Requests:

King pin family, Crankshaft’s new born.


Q at Good Fight is Aqua-man, Rucking Opportunities,


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