5 guys met early for a little EC and mumblechatter along the way.

“But we press on” – Philippians 3:12 – from 6 minute video by John Graham https://www.facebook.com/MtnViewUnitedMethodistChurch/videos/373869400599898

Pandemic fatigue…tell tell symptoms similar to sad clown syndrome.

5:30 arrived as did more PAX – Disclaimer given and warmups commenced.

In recognizing pandemic fatigue we did 19 reps of a bunch of core exercises.  YHC called on PAX to lead a core exercise of their choice (in cadence) and a total of 19 reps for COVID19.  YHC wasn’t sure how many exercises we’d do, but knew it be enough when we felt like we’d been gut punched.  If all are remembered it went like this: Penguins, Leg Risers, Box Cutters, Flutter Kicks, Imperial Walkers, American Hammer, Windshield Wipers (one or more may be forgotten, but all in all a good start)

Recommendation (for pandemic fatigue/life challenges):  Adopt Apostle Paul’s 4 words to the Philippian church – in anticipation and looking forward to the better days ahead, he says “But I press on”.

Following core warm-ups we moseyed to the football field, it was time to press on!

There we did:  1st & 10

100 yard field marked at 10 yard increments (we “guesstimated” the 10 yard markers as the field is currently not marked thanks to a pandemic cancelling winter sports – yet another reason for pandemic fatigue). Performed 10 Merkins, 1 Burpee (11’s) at the 10, sprint the remaining 90 yards. Recover jog back to the 20. Perform 9 Merkins, 2 Burpees, sprint the remaining 80 yards, recover jog to the 30. Repeat until all 100 yards and 11’s have been completed. 

Once we got to the 50 yard line, YHC announced half time and we moseyed to the stands.  There we started at the top of the stands for Irkins.  Performed 5 reps and slid down a row for 5 more reps, and then again at the next row until the bottom of the stands.  Once down at the bottom we flap-jacked to our six and did Dips back up to the top of the stands.  Again, 5 reps each row, climbing our way to the top.  (the weinke had Derkins next to make our way back down again, but honestly YHC’s arms couldn’t have done them and if you can’t do it, you can’t Q it – YHC may have had a few in him, but not enough to do each and every row as done for Irkins and Dips.)  So, we made our way back to the field to complete the “1st & 10” sets of Merkins and Burpees.

After we finished 1st and 10 there was just enough time for a lap around the track…(by the way, shout out to Matlock for reminding and emphasizing that the initial run in the 1st & 10 routine is a sprint.  21 PAX went hard initially, but quickly needed the #accountability to ‘Press On’ and continue the push for the sprint each time, thanks Matlock!).

The lap around the track was special too.  We made 4 stops along the way.  1st, where we started, at one end on the curve behind the field goal post, then again midway down the straight away, again in the middle of the curve at the other end, and finally midway down the second straight away.  at each we did: 4 x 4s

Start (with arms raised – YHC forgot this portion) in a standing position, burpee into plank followed by four Merkins followed by four mountain climbers with each leg. “One” is completed when returning to the standing position (with arms raised – skipped this position). Wash, rinse, repeat. We did 4 per each of the 4 stops.
Jail break to the shovel flag.  Back at the flag by 6:14 and had time to remind PAX, we may have pandemic fatigue, but the virus is still here and real. Despite the overwhelming news covering, we need to remain vigilant.  Thus as a reminder towards that, we finished with 19 Freddie Mercuries (4count, in cadence).

Count-a-rama/Name-a-rama: 21 PAX listed above, 1 FNG – Welcome Samson

Prayers/Praises – Minnesota Fats business partner passed away, covid related.  Others who have tested positive and are quarantining/battling/recovering.  Praise for F3 & it’s inherent level of #accountability.  The brotherhood helps to weather pandemic fatigue and other life challenges via the network and support from it.

Announcements: Feed the 5000 – convergence and multiple ways to be involved via donations and/or hands on help to pack and pass out boxes of food.   Convergence at #FirstAid AO on Black Friday.  Nothing Special has the Q next week at #theschoolyard.  Beer Garden is assuming Host Workout Q for #theschoolyard as of December and has already been actively engaged and is set to do an assume job.

Moleskin: YHC discovered F3, thanks to Stern, approximately 18 months ago and it has without question been a positive impact and influence.  Thankful each and every gloom to have the privilege to post/workout and get to know each PAX as opportunities arise, because you too decided to get up and show up at the same EC or AO as YHC opted for as well.  SYITG!


Slalom out!

TClap |