Ultimate headlock. “Belding. Want to Q the #Schoolyard tomorrow.” Slight hesitation. “Sure.” Headlocked. Couple of days to think about it. There’s a track. Coach Bertolf. Tweet about the Wayback Machine. Cousin It runs YHC into the ground at #Runstrong. Wake up at 3 excited to Q. Take the long way to the AO. Forced into alternate route. Arrive. Plant the flag. “3 minutes men.” Circle up. Disclaimer. Begin.
YHC explained to the Pax that his One Word for life is Sacrifice which is when you give up one thing to gain another. We all give up something to post, to serve, to live 3rd.  Reminded the Pax that we all need Battle Buddies and to look out for each other.
SSH x 20 IC
Burpees x 10 OYO
Good Mornings x 10 IC
Burpees x 9 OYO
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Bear Crawl around posts
Burpees x 8 OYO
Mosey to track
It’s 1972 and YHC is a 12 year old walking the halls of Rosedale High clueless. Coach Bertolf snags YHC and tells him he’s running track and to come to practice. YHC shows and the 440 or “Quarter Mile” becomes a part of his history. That first workout was called Quarters. Run all out with rest intervals. 3 miles. Toast. YHC came back the next day for more. This is what we did.
Quarters (Well 400 meters)  while going down the Burpee ladder with each lap. 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Burpeess
Mosey back to the building
People’s Chair x  10 Merkins each Pax
Walking Lunge (to sidewalk)
Bear Crawl (back to building)
Lunges (to sidewalk)
WWII x 20
Plank Around the Clock
Prayers for Danny and recovery to get home. Mini Sasquatch Sunday at 5:30 Launch from the #Commons. Don’t forget lunch Tuesday and Thursday. Sasquatch July 29th. http://f3nation.com/2017/04/24/the-sasquatch-iii-2017-preblast/
Sacrifice. In 1972 I didn’t understand what that meant. Marriage, work, kids and life have taught me a little more about sacrifice. When YHC gave up a few minutes of sleep or getting to work 45 minutes earlier than anyone else what was gained? Brotherhood, purpose, direction. YHC also had to give up being a Sad Clown, feeling sorry for myself and hiding behind work in order to avoid everyone and everything.  I’m present. The M has even told me so. F3 is accelerating this aging quarter-miler (as evidenced by the heavy breathing when I post but at least I’m breathing) with each post. Sacrificing some sweat and some time is giving YHC something that he didn’t know he was missing. #Respect.
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