YHC arrived at the AO to Pied Piper and Jock itch rucking around with a cooler. Fertile, See Thru and YHC joined them minus the cooler for some EC rucking. Upon return to the AO rucks were dropped and we circled up.

Warm Up:

Side Straddle Hops x 15 IC

Good Mornings x 15 IC

Mountain Climbers x 15 IC

Burpees x 5 OYO

The Thang:

Indian Run to Oakmont under the basketball goal

Partner Dora 1-2-3 (this took longer than anticipated):

100 Merkins

200 Get ups (get down on your knees and get back up)

300 Squats (early finishers joined others finishing out squats)

After completion YHC asked for a 5 count and was greeted with “5”

Indian Run back to the start

Three cones were set up for

Bearmuda Triangle:

Bearcrawl from first to second cone

Burpees x 3

Bearcrawl from second cone to third cone

Burpees x 2

Bearcrawl from third cone to first cone

Burpees x 1

Rinse and Repeat


Flutter Kicks x 15 IC

LBC x 15 IC

Hillbillys x 15 IC

People’s Chair till 6:15 (Jock Itch)


Prayer Request:

Vanilla’s Father heart issue and pending surgery

Vanilla’s Neighbor’s mother, surgery yesterday

Piper’s Friend Bill Anderson following father’s passing and burial situation


F3ENC ruckers particpating in goruck Green Beret Foundation (GBF) fundraiser during November. Several options on distance. Some F3ENC Ruckers are doing the 100 mile option with an included 26.2 mile event. See Piper and Goruck.com for details. Distance participation is per the individual.

New AO this Friday 10/13: Third Street School

Matlock as the Q at The Good Fight 10/12


YHC was thinking of a theme for today’s workout and thought about how life can get hard at times. When life knocks you down on your face you have to dig deep and push your self back up (merkins). And once you have pushed your self up to your knees then you need to stand up (get ups). And even though you are on your feet the weight of the world can still be wearing you down and causing those knees to bend. You still have to draw from within and stand tall (squats). Once you are standing tall then you need to look around you and find the others that are in that similar situation and help them to get to their feet and stand with you.

TClap |