It’s been a few weeks since #TheSummit launched and I’ve been really excited to take over as Site Q! I wanted to make sure we got in maximum elevation today, so I sketched a plan and as Mr. B would say, we were off like a dirty shirt.


A quick warm up of high knees and butt kickers as Cousin IT came in warming up the tires on his truck. Then we took a mosey down to Summit Street (where our AO gets its name), and up the hill to 2nd Street. We circled up in the cul-de-sac and I announced that we would be doing 11s. Which understandably caused some concern at a running workout, because we came to run, not have a boot camp. But not to fear, these 11s would be performed about a quarter mile apart. 2nd Street ends in 2 cul-de-sacs, so we would perform merkins at one end and squats at the other, with a gnarly hill in the middle. As 6:05 approached, we called it and moseyed back to the flag for a few minutes of *stretching*. This also generated a bit of mumble chatter, but if we don’t take care of our bodies, they won’t take care of us. Think of stretching as an oil change for your body. You have to take some time to do it, and it’s easy to forget, but it will keep you moving much longer if you do it than if you don’t.


Everyone got between 3.5 and 5 miles of distance with 350-550 feet of elevation gain.


Prayer Requests

  • Doug Garris recovering from surgery to remove an auditory nerve tumor
  • Noonan’s friend battling depression
  • Praise that Aquaman was able to post yesterday



  • Lunch at Sup Dogs today
  • New Nutritional Accountability Groups coming soon. Keep your eyes on Slack for details


Now stop reading this and go run some hills.


TClap |