YHC was tapped by Pulp to Q the last Friday in March at West side…. of course YHC accepted!

YHC, Stabler, Spinal Tap, and Deep Dish gathered at 0440 for an EC ruck. It’s been a while since YHC has done one of those, and it was great fellowship before the Q.

0530 rolled around, and we had a sold group, so we got started

Warm Up:

  • Pledge
  • SSH
  • Michael Phelps
  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • SSH
  • Lap around the building

Tha Thang

As we approached the front of the building, YHC instructed for all PAX to grab a spot in the final breezeway area. Stabler made a big deal about how YHC hasn’t posted much this year, and this happened to be YHC’s 8th post of the year, so instead of 7’s, we did a round of 8’s with BTTW get ups (get in BTTW position, immediately get back to your feet = 1 rep) and merkins. The mumblechatter got started early as the BTTW get ups were no joke!

Next, we moseyed to the back parking lot for another round of 8’s. This is where Baba Booey had to make a pit stop over to the Speed way. YHC heard the comment, “I guess that’s what a Chimichanga will do you ya!”. The next round of 8’s were squats and burpees, running to the other side of the parking lot in between. This really got the PAX started with what ended up being a lot of burpees for most.

Once the second round of 8’s were completed, YHC instructed the PAX to partner up, and get in two lines, partners facing each other, and get ready for a round of Ro Sham Burpee. YHC did this at a Q a while back at West Side, and thought it would be fun to bring it back! This was a game of good old fashioned Rock Paper scissors, with a F3 twist. YHC would call out “Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot!” and you would play your hand on “Shoot”. Winning partner would do a merkin, losing partner would do a burpee. The PAX would complete 10 rounds of this, with the reps for the merkins/burpees increasing with each round. Needless to say, a lot of burpees were done!

Next we moseyed to the baseball field (this is where Baba Booey rejoined the group) for a round of Field of Dreams. The PAX counted of by 4’s. The 1s started at 1st base, the 2s at second, the 3s at 3rd, and the 4s at home.

  • 1st base = squats AMRAP
  • 2nd base = merkins AMRAP
  • 3rd base = WWIIs AMRAP
  • Home plate = 5 burpees

Once the group at home finished the burpees, everyone rotated to the next station. The group always rotated off the PAX at home plate.

After Field of Dreams, the PAX had time for a round a circle merkins at the flag.



Prayer Requests/Praises

  • Pulp’s MIL
  • Soft Shell’s family
  • Highschool Football Player in Columbus County committed suicide
  • mental illness

YHC Prayed it out.

Moleskin: Stabler had some great words this AM when we were talking about mental illness during the COT. Reach out to your brothers, especially the ones you haven’t seen in a while. You never know what people are dealing with, but just the simple “Hey how’s it going, come on out to West Side tomorrow, see you then!”. They may not show up that day, but it lets them know you are thinking about them. And eventually, they will make it back out to the gloom. Great workout this morning fellas!

Until next time….. Chimi Out!

TClap |