Hands Free Family Friday

When: 11/27/15 QIC: Papa Smurf Pax: Chewie (moved), Ernest T, ET (2.0), Fandango (2.0), Foghorn (2.0), Lightbulb (2.0), Paddleboat (2.0), Papa Smurf, Possum, Rev (moved), Steamy FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG - ET, Ernest T, Paddleboat, Fandago, Foghorm YHC had traveled most...

Moses comes down the mountain one last time!

When: 07/31/2105 QIC: Shrimp Pax: Aquaman, Bookworm (RESPECT), Duff, Ernest T, Grammar, Hokie, Lightbulb (2.0), Moses (RESPECT-moved), Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Papa Smurf, Popeye, Rev (moved), Shrimp (RESPECT), Sparks (RESPECT), Splinter (DOUBLE RESPECT), Steamy,...

Fartsack while U can, but POST UP!

When: Cousin IT QIC: 08/22/15 Pax: Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Early Bird, Ernest T, Hot Air (RESPECT), Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Pepperoni (2.0), Pong, Red Shirt, Sanka (moved), Shrimp (RESPECT), T-Bone (RESPECT) Closed Hand and YHC had some...

Screw that Sad Clown!

When: 08/05/15 QIC: SanFran Pax: Aquaman, Bigfoot (moved), Bono, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Day Glo (moved), Duff, Ernest T, Grammar, Hokie, Lightbulb (2.0), Mellow Johnny, Nutmeg, Popeye, San Fran, Shrimp (RESPECT), Smalls (2.0), Splinter (DOUBLE RESPECT),...