Where We Going?

When: 12/15/2021 QIC: Skipper Pax: Deep Dish, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Gamecock (RESPECT), Hometown, Mayhem (RESPECT), Monarch, Skipper, The Closed Hand YHC hadn’t Q’d in a while out at Ruck On so trying to come up with new route was difficult. Decision...

Doughnut Run

When: 12/16/2021 QIC: Stern Pax: Abu, Cousin IT, Duff, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Frank the Tank, Grisham, Half-Pipe, Hometown, Matlock, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Petey, RedBox, Rockfish (Grimes), Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Stern, The Closed Hand, Underdog The...

Running the box with THE BOX

When: 12/14/2021 QIC: RedBox Pax: Arkansas, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Madoff, RedBox, String Bean YHC loves to plan running routes, but the Sandlot does not give you a ton of options so decided to just run a loop around the area where roads are normally good. It was...

2 Circuits, 1 Warm-up

When: 12/13/2021 QIC: Fin Pax: Bono, Breezy (Gorham), Fin, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Quick Shot, Wimpie Extra Credit: Breezy, Bono It was cold. It was unpleasant – We all got a little bit better. THE THANG WARM-UP 2 x 10 x SSH 10 x...