That Someone

When: 04/27/2017 QIC: OBT Pax: Abu, Alfred the Butler, Aquaman, Big Apple, Bling Bling, Blow Torch, Bono, Bookworm (RESPECT), Bullseye, Bullseye (Washington), Butterworth (RESPECT), Charlie Brown (RESPECT), Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Crack Corn, Crankshaft,...

Who’s on First?

When: 4/26/17 QIC: Mr. Belding Pax: Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Easy Rider (RESPECT), Forklift2, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT) YHC arrived at Warrior where a bearded man of Respect age waited patiently for others to arrive. Being barefooted he informed YHC, and rightly...

DORA 2,3,4?

When: 04/19/2017 QIC: Hometown Pax: Bling Bling, Boston Lager, Forklift2, Half-Pipe, Hometown, Jumping Bean, Matlock, Mayhem (RESPECT), Skipper, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), The Closed Hand FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG - Jumping Bean YHC was having the F3 equivalent to...

The Shield Lock – 2 years later

When: 04/18/17 QIC: Bono Pax: Bono, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Duff, Forklift2, Pied Piper, Spinal Tap (RESPECT) Sometimes you just need to be around your brothers. Today was one of those days. The rain stopped in time for a cool and muggy ruck around Alice Keene...


When: 04/17/17 QIC: Abu Pax: Abu, Aquaman, Bling Bling, Common Core, Easy Rider (RESPECT), Forklift2, Fredstinko, Hat Trick, Skipper, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT) While talking with Bono’s M at the baseball game on Friday, she mentioned that she has a Tabata class. After...