Ravetime to Gametime

When: 9/24/16 QIC: Cousin IT Pax: Acorn (2.0), Bo, Butterworth (RESPECT), Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Crack Corn, Digahole, Durantulla (2.0), Hokie, Lachey, Manscape, Muggsy (2.0), Nice Body, Rocks-N-Rec, Scampi (2.0), Shrimp (RESPECT), Smell Goods (2.0),...

You can paint this one purple…

When: 09/12/16 QIC: Dewey Pax: Alfred the Butler, Arsenio, Bear Grass (2.0), Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Dewey, Lemonhead (moved), Manscape, Mellow Johnny, Skully (RESPECT), Stitches, String Bean FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG - Alfred the Butler Today was...


When: 09/10/16 QIC: Strokes Pax: Arsenio, Charlie Brown (RESPECT), Dewey, Driesell (2.0), Manscape, Nice Body, Peanuts (2.0), Pine Box, Professor Proton, Scalper, Shrimp (RESPECT), Spinal Tap (RESPECT), Stitches, Strokes, Underdog Practice is over. Your never gonna be...

Leadership and Fun 2.0

When: 08/27/16 QIC: Bono Pax: Aquaman, Betty Crocker (2.0), Bono, Buford, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Decimal, Dewey, Duff, Gillette (2.0), Goose, Grits (2.0), Half Pint, Joker, Manscape, OJ, Parrot (2.0), Peanuts (2.0), Pine Box, Pony Express (2.0),...