Chestnuts roasting on an open fire!

When: 12/01/2020 QIC: Short Stop Pax: Bowser (2.0), Chestnut, Farva - Kinston, FireAnt (RESPECT), Flux, Forrest - Kinston, Grease Monkey - Kinston, Marshall, My Pleasure, Oxy, Permit, Runt (RESPECT), Scrappy, Short Stop, Sissy Bar, Speed Square, Well Done...

Dangling biscuits not carrots

When: 11/28/2020 QIC: Scrappy Pax: Goggles (RESPECT), Gopher, Lt. Dan, My Pleasure, Permit, Phoenix, Scrappy, Speed Square, VAS, Well Done Grease Monkey asked for a volunteer to Q the Knight School this morning.  I didn’t volunteer right away but then I got to...

Practice makes perfect….well better

When: 11/24/2020 QIC: Phoenix Pax: Antler (2.0), Chestnut, Farva - Kinston, FireAnt (RESPECT), Flux, Gopher, Grease Monkey - Kinston, Permit, Phoenix, Scrappy, Speed Square, Waterboy - Kinston Gopher’s Monday kettle bell workout was the inspiration for this beat...

Jingle Bells, Gopher Smells

When: 11/23/2020 QIC: Gopher Pax: Farva - Kinston, Flux, Gopher, Grease Monkey - Kinston, LEO (RESPECT), Marshall, Mayhem - Kinston, My Pleasure, Never Happened (RESPECT), Oxy, Phoenix, Scrappy, Six Shooter (2.0), Speed Square, The Train (2.0), VAS, Well Done It was a...

Need more QSchool!

When: 11/20/2020 QIC: Mayhem Pax: Chestnut, Forza (2.0), Grease Monkey - Kinston, LEO (RESPECT), Lt. Dan, Mayhem - Kinston, My Pleasure, Never Happened (RESPECT), Permit, Phoenix, Razor - Kinston, Reroute, Runt (RESPECT), Scrappy, Speed Square FNGs|Visiting Pax:...