Cousteau messaged YHC yesterday about hosting the final week of Iron PAX at The School Yard.

YHC had reservations, but decided to go all-in as Cousteau has been doing a wonderful job of promoting and pushing the challenge.

The decision was made to have two waves.

See the “pick your poison” workout below.

One launching at 0440 with Cousteau at the Q

One launching at 0530 with YHC as the Q

Abu is on Speed Dial for all things needing demonstration

He was all-in and showed up with extra coupons

The 0530 group was one coupon short, but the 0440 group was finishing as we moseyed to the football field and were gracious to allow us to borrow another

Cousteau had finished the 0440, and stayed to encourage and push the 0530 group.

Abu absolutely CRUSHED the workout.

YHC is not sure if anyone else from the 0530 finished, we had a hard stop at 0615.

YHC is in pain typing this BackBlast.

But it is beautiful pain.

Iron PAX pain.

TCLAPS to all who completed all four workouts!

String Bean Out

TClap |