At shield lock last week noonan came up with a workout that was convenient and challenging using the EMOM. Every minute on the minute we completed a group of exercises. Well I thought this would be a good method for a Boy Named Sue. This would be an opportunity for the Pax to push themselves and each other. The workout went down like this.


Warm Up

SSH x 20 IC

Don Quixote x 10 IC

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC

Michael Phelps x 10 IC

Imperial Walkers x 10 CI



Ruck up and grab kettlebells; Mosey to the Entrance near the picnic tables for EMOM 1: 8 minutes. we came to find out that hearing the sound of the new round was difficult with the music playing. alas we persevered

Curls x 10

Tricep Extensions x 10

Front raise x 10

Overhead pres x 10

Pax would then ruck up and mosey around the building with topping at every corner for Merkins 5,10,15,.20. Mosey back to the picnic tables for EMOM 2: 8 Minutes

Swing x 5

Snatch x 5

Deadlift x 5;

Clean x 5

Mosey to end of the building  for 5 burpees, YHC called an audible at this point in order to get the last EMOM in so Pax returned to the picnic tables for EMOM 3: 8 minutes with ruck on (pax dodged 45 burpees on this audible)

10 Goblet squats

5 lunges with kettlebell

5 step ups on picnic table with kettlebell

at this point time was waining so we rucked up and returned to the flag. Arriving just in time for a couple of mary exercises.

Flutter kicks x 20 IC

Hillbillies x 10 IC

6:15 Hard stop



Prayer Requests:

Patches M and 2.0 common ground

Candy Cane and his M

Injured pax

those struggling with Ms and household order



Kinston’s one year this weekend

2nd F on Friday and Workout on Saturday

Last weekend of the month carolina pregnancy center is moving and looking for F3 support to help in moving to new location.


Good work to the pax that came out to push them selves. too many times we become complacent and we always need to step out of the comfort zone and allow for growth. Good work this morning men.I would type more but this computer and/or website is killing me so until next time.

Ma Bell Out!

TClap |