YHC ran into San Fran at Food Lion and volunteered to Q for Blast Off. I try not to go too long without Qing. As See Thru said so well in a recent BB, it’s good to keep a Q rhythm going so thanks to San Fran for the opportunity. Also, I would like to wish San Fran a speedy recovery from his dental procedure.

YCH arrived early for some EC ruck and recon of the AO to make sure everything looked good. PAX began to arrive and the clock struck 5:30.

Introduction and disclaimer

No FNG’s


With all the recent controversy of athletes kneeling during the National Anthem, YHC thought it would be appropriate to start with the pledge of allegiance. PAX put their hand over their hearts and proudly recited the pledge. I would like to make a motion to begin all F3ENC workouts this way, would anybody like to second that motion?

With it being Friday the 13th, YHC incorporated the number 13 throughout the workout. I also incorporated a orange glow ball from dollar tree to be used later.

The Thang:

13 Side straddle hops

13 Good mornings

Mosey to the small rock pile super-set Turkish get ups with rock and hallelujahs with or without rock.

1 Turkish get up each arm/ 10 hallelujahs

2 Turkish get ups each arm/ 20 hallelujahs

3 Turkish get ups each arm/ 30 hallelujahs

4 Turkish get ups each arm/ 40 hallelujahs

5 Turkish get ups each arm/ 50 hallelujahs

Catch me if you can from rock pile to picnic shelter (long way) leader bear crawl PAX perform 5 squats IC then run to person bear crawling. Also, if a car drove by everyone had to do a burpee (thanks for that idea Pied Piper) rinse and repeat with plank jacks instead of squats.

At the picnic shelter YHC asked Wimpie to chuck the glow ball as far as he could toward the large field, PAX moseyed to the ball and performed Lt. Dans IC back to the shelter. Pretty good throw by Wimpie, approximately 50 yards with no warm ups.

Picnic shelter 13’s; irkins and pull ups, PAX had to run up and over the picnic benches to get to the pull up area.

To put a fun new spin on Mary, PAX took turns throwing the glow ball with their non dominant hand while everybody ran to the ball and performed 13 LBC’s. There were some pretty good throws, the FiA ladies were very impressed (no they weren’t). Somebody actually managed to throw the ball backwards. We made our way to the flag right at 6:15.

Count o rama

Name o rama

Prayer requests:

Travel mercy for Patch’s M and 2.0 going to SC


Bedpan Qing MASH on Monday, donut offer from Cable still stands.

A lot of ruck excitement, check twitter.

Until next time, Bench out!

TClap |