It was a great morning to work on our upper body for we have too many little arms and chest in our pax, like a middle school cheer leading team. So we try to address this with a short 45 minute workout.


20 side Straddle hops IC

10 arm circles (both ways) IC

20 Speed bags IC

The Thang

We moved over the rock pile and each picked up a hug rock, like our Q did, for the following exercises:

Round 1 – 15 squats, 15 rows, 15 over the head press

Round 2 – 15 squats, 15 rows, 15 over the head press

Round 3 – 10 squats, 15 rows, 15 over the head press

Next was a jail break to the softball fields where we did the following:

1 minute of balls to the wall, bear crawl to other fence and do people chair for a minute. Next bear crawl back, do balls to the wall for minute and crab walk to other fence to do the people chair for a minute. Then duck walk back to the other fence to do another minute of balls to the wall followed by dragon walk back, where we did another minute of peoples chair. After that we did 20 burpees followed by a jail break to the picnic shelter.

At the shelter we did following

25 Derkins

25 picnic table set ups

15 merkins

35 super step up (each leg)

Lastly we did a jail break to the flag where did a circle of Manliness. For you fartsackers the Circle of Manliness is where the member of the pax pick out their favorite merkin to do. It is awesome!

15 diamond merkins

15 ranger merkins

10 jump merkins (AKA burpees)


Tonka is doing a can food drive, so bring you cans next week.


Splinter turned 55 today!!!

String Bean is going to Mexico for his 15th wedding anniversary!! Do a burpee on the beach for us!

TClap |