SSH x 10 IC

Good Mornings x 10 IC

Squats x 10 IC

KB Up Downs x 10 IC



12 Days of Kettlebells Part 2


1          Turkish Get Up (1/side)

2          Mule Kicks

3          Thrusters

4          Snatch (4/side)

5          Up Down Swings

6          Single Arm High Pulls (6/side)

7          Clean & Press (7/side)

8          Switch Arm Single Leg RDL Knee Raise (8/side)

9          Switch Arm Swings (9/side)

10        Palm Forward Bent Over Rows (10/side)

11        Devil’s Presses (Burpee Snatch – 11/side)

12        Never Surrenders (6 left right/6 right left)


Perform exercises as follows:

Day 1, then 2, 1, then 3, 2, 1, etc.


Prayers: Cold-Cut’s brother, Cold-Cut’s daughter and son-in-law (About Time) moving, Giuliani’s uncle and friend Trip’s wife’s cancer, Quick Shot’s M and 2.0 to be, Kahuna’s dad, Easy Rider’s heart


Moleskin: This workout was done on 12/26 solo, not on purpose, but because nobody showed up to Boyd Lee Beatdown that day except YHC. I knew other PAX needed to experience the beatdown it was so I figured I would bring it back one day. Little did I know that Kenny G would text me after seeing me do it solo and ask for the workout. He did it solo that day as well. I appreciate him for sharing the pain with me. Nonetheless, I knew it needed to come back to Boyd Lee Beatdown. However, I had to make some changes because on that day I did it, I went hard and went over time. I knew I would need to demo the exercises and correct form so I modified 4 of the exercises. With the modifications, it still was an ambitious workout and we did not complete it as prescribed. All good though, as the PAX got their monies worth. Aye!

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