Missing the boys out at BLP, I reached out to Quick Lube to HC myself into posting on Wednesday.  HC is an acronym for Hard Commit, the adult version of the “pinky promise.”  Generally when we HC (Talking to you Gazelle) it’s for real.  To my surprise, Mr. Lube turned the tables on me and asked me to Q.  I was once told that if asked to serve, say yes and figure out the logistics later. I am always humbled to lead the PAX and this was a special occasion.


  1. 12 SSH
  2. 12 Merkins (Ended with no inflection and very puzzled looks on the PAX face)
  3. 12 Squats
  4. 12 Good Morning

The Thang

  1. 1200 Meter Run
    1. The first one finished starts a COP.  After leading one exercise, pass on the lead to the next guy until the six pulls in.
    2. Not sure exactly what we did but it included Lunges, Jump Squats, and 2 or 3 other exercises led by various PAX members.
  2. 12s with LBCs and Squats
    1. The first one finished starts with a COP at the umbrella.  This of course was Hat Trick who decided to put it in his second gear and blow away the rest of us in our fourth gear.  He started us off with merkins, then passed it off to Gazelle for some (you guessed it) American Hammers.  Gazelle is to  American Hammers as Charlie Brown is to ________ and Wimpie is to _________.
    2. While this is all going on, IT pulls in and lets Grammar know he cheated.  Guess who has two thumbs and convinced Grammar he was one round ahead of IT.  IT decided to take his ill will about the unfair situation out on the surrounding PAX.  We did 100 sit-ups in cadence led by IT.
    3. Takeaways: Matlock is a lawyer not a detective (for those of you under 40), don’t cheat IT, and Hat trick has rocket fuel running through his veins.
  3. Partner Derkins around the Softball Field Run opposite directions.  Perform 12 Derkins each time you meet.  Meet 7 times
    1. Takeaways: Home Base and the backstop, although very close to each other, should not be combined in one sentence.  Use one or the other.
  4. Mosey to the Flag



After we finished up, I asked the PAX to come in close for some honesty.  This is a circle of trust, after all.   October 2nd marked 7 years clean for me.  The theme of today’s workout was 12, representing the 12 steps that led my to my higher power, the desire to live in God’s will, and the realization that I could not do it alone.  I must have men around me who have values that I wish to have for myself.  Although we may not always identify with a man’s unique struggle, we can almost always identify with the concept of struggle.  Whether it is a physical ailment, depression, financial difficulty, relationship issues, or the infinite other sources of frustration in our lives, we have all been there.  All we have to do is ask for help and practice faith, willingness, and humility.  This is one of the many reasons I love F3.  Any given morning their are guys posting that I want to grow up to be like, that I know have my back, will hold me accountable, and lock shields with me for battle.


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